IBI Corporate Finance | Strategy Development | Leadership Team Coaching

The challenge:
IBI Corporate Finance is Ireland’s pre-eminent corporate finance adviser. It was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of Ireland, until being sold to management in late 2017. The challenge presented to Gearóid was to support the team in reviewing its business strategy, and to realign both the organisational structure and the management team to the company’s new strategy.

The approach:
This intervention was to develop an overall strategy for the business and to develop the necessary team-based interventions to support that strategy. The engagement started with a two-day offsite facilitated by Gearóid, to develop a new strategy for the company moving forward. 

Following the offsite, specific tasks were allocated to the management team to begin implementation of the strategy. Parallel to this, (following a 360 management feedback exercise), Gearóid provided hands-on coaching support for the senior management team to aid them in the smooth rollout of the new strategy.

The outcome:
The strategy was developed and successfully rolled out to the business. Resources were restructured to align with the new strategy, and one-to-one coaching sessions continued to support the senior leadership team through the transition. IBI created a new pathway to move out from under the shadow of its previous ownership of Bank of Ireland and made its way into an entirely new environment. 

IBI is now Ireland’s number one financial adviser in Ireland and league tables highlight that IBI advised on 77% more M&A deals and 100% more sell-side deals than its nearest rival over the last decade.

Ted Webb

Managing Director

Get in touch and let’s discuss how to create transformational change today.

You can contact Gearóid on +353 87 2499615 or email gearoid@gearoidhardy.com